How to Reinvent your Career

If you work long enough, something along the way will probably happen to you. You will work with a co-worker who drives you crazy, a boss that doesn't get you, or an employee that keeps you up at night.

It is a all a part of the working worlds.

At other times, things will happen to you that will throw you for a loop. Your job is eliminated. You are fired without reason. Your industry goes away. This is when it's important to take stock in who are you, what you want out of life, and where you want to go next.

So, how do you get yourself back on track; find your passion and purpose again, and reinvent the next phase of your career? You soul-search and ask lots of questions.

Here where you begin:

You Make Time To Think

Reinvention cannot happen without thought.

A clear picture of where you want to go next cannot come to you unless you create time to think about it. This time is what will allow you to get in touch with yourself and your priorities. One of the main reasons your off track right now, is because you've been "busy," too busy to make time for you. This does not mean that you have to allocate days or weeks of thought to nothing else; BUT regularly taking an hour here and there will make a tremendous difference. Ask yourself, "When will I make time to think about what I want?" Notice that I am not saying to ask yourself whether you will find time, but rather when you will make the time. It is essential to be assertive with yourself.

Once you have made the time, find a quiet place. Sit down and take deep breaths, as many as you need to instill a sense of calmness. Your mind will want to wander, but you must bring yourself back. Remind yourself why you are doing this. You want something better in your career. Focus on the importance of this to your career, and channel your thoughts in this direction.

You Ask Yourself What You Want>>> Reinvention happens when you decide what you want, and then take action to get it. Without an end in mind, you will wander aimlessly; and as long as you are aimless, you will be wasting time. You will feel lost. You will be like a stray leaf, going wherever the wind takes you.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • If it was impossible to fail, what would be different in my career?
  • What type of job would I have?
  • What would I be responsible for?
  • What type of boss/co-workers/team would I have?
  • What kind of hours would I work?
  • What type of company would I work for?
  • What sort of culture would the company have?
  • What city would I live in?
  • How much money would I make?
  • How would I handle stress, my workload, and deadlines?
  • How would I successfully be balancing work and life?

There is no right or wrong answers to these questions. The answers are what are true for you-not what someone else wants for you, but what is in your heart. Listen to yourself, and your answers will be the perfect ones for you.

In addition, don't let past mistakes or choices cloud your answers. It's not too late for you.

You Turn What You Want Into A Vision For Your Career

A vision is a picture of where you see yourself in the future. Your picture can describe where you want to be in a day, a week, a month, a year, or even farther into the future.

All goals are reached in the mind first. You see yourself both achieving that goal and experiencing the satisfaction it will bring you once you are there. This picture is what will help you to persevere during times of doubt. It will help you with your reinvention. Your picture will give you purpose, power, and excitement. Your picture will give you a reason to get out of bed every day.

Tecnical info

How to add Facebook Social Plugins to your site – A Complete Guide

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Do you wish to add Facebook Social plugins to your site?  If your answer is yes, then do read this complete guide on adding Facebook Social plugins to your website. 
To get started, go to Facebook Developers.  There are 11 Facebook Social Plugins at present and adding such plugins is a easy job & requires only copying and pasting effort.

1.  Like Button – This plugin allow your visitors to like your content without going to your Facebook fan page.  Specify the URL to like and customize the plugin to your preferences and click get code.  Select IFRAME option and copy that code and paste it on the place where you want to render like button. You can also add send button to be displayed with like button, but it allow only XFBML and JavaScript SDK implementation only. See the example below:
2.  Send Button – This plugin allows your visitors to share your content with their friends.  This plugin is similar to the above one.

3.  Subscribe Button – This button enables your visitors to subscribe to your updates.  To add this plugin to your blog, enter your profile URL and customize other feature to your preferences and click Get Code and select IFRAME option and paste it on the region where you want to render this button.  See the example below:

4.  Comments – Comments plugin allow your site visitors to comment on your posts with their facebook profile.  This plugin doesn’t support IFRAME code, you need to select from XFBML or JavaScript SDK.  Type the URL to comment and click Get Code. 

<fb:like href="http://jobsitesbd.blogspot.com/" send="true" width="450" show_faces="true"></fb:like>

5.  Activity Feed & Recommendations – These two plugins are quite similar to each other.  The Activity Feed plugin displays your most recent updates on your page while the Recommendations plugin shows what your friends recommend on your site.  Type the domain of your site and customize and click Get code and select IFRAME version.  These two plugins make your site visitors stay a little long time in your site.  

6.  Like Box – This plugin is similar to Like button, but this plugins displays your Facebook Fan Page as a box in which your site visitors can like your Facebook Fan page directly from your website.  To add a Like box to your site, follow these steps:  Type your Facebook Page URL and select the width & height of the like box to your wish ( But, the minimum supported width of the like box is 292px).  Set the color scheme, show faces, border color, show stream and show header to your preferences and click Get Code.  Select IFRAME and copy the code & paste it on your site.  See the example of like box below: